Mentoring Future Disabled Leaders in Media

We’re Changing the Media from the Inside Out

Created by public relations strategist and writer, Kristen Parisi, Disable the Media is a virtual mentoring program for budding disabled public relations strategists, writers and journalists with industry leaders to prepare them for long, impactful careers.

Disable the Media doesn’t stop when the mentoring program ends. Providing seminars, resume help and community, the team is here for the longevity of your career. There is also educational materials and roundtables for those non-disableds looking to become more inclusive professionals.


Who We Are

We’re mentors in communications and journalism committed to ensuring disabled people are part of every media organization. Visit the About Us page to learn more.

The Program

Visit the Mentoring Program section to learn how virtual mentoring works and how to apply. The first round of mentees will start in the spring of 2021.

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